Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Yellowstone Rendezvous

Last weekend I went to West Yellowstone to ski in the Yellowstone Rendezvous and to see some friends and stay in a forest service cabin. The 50 K race was a true challenge but a lot of fun; it was great to have John and Embere there cheering for me.
1. Skiing into the cabin
2. After the first 25K
3. Exhausted after finishing

Monday, February 11, 2008

Anonymous comments

I changed the settings so that anyone can comment, with or without a google or blogger account.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Moosechase 2008

I competed in the Moosechase nordic race this Saturday morning. I made a mess of the start by losing my gloves and as a result didn't even having my skis on when the starting horn went off. Therefore, my time was atrocious but I still had fun. I was spoiled by the weather at the races last year. Today, the wind and blowing snow were brutal and there were a few spots on the south side of the course that were completely drifted over.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New office partner

Tounge River Middle School from Sheridan, Wyoming is visiting us this week and the bus driver is a falconer. He brought his bird "Pinky" with him and I was lucky enough to have a little spare floor space so he is my new office partner for the week. He is half Peregrine Falcon and half Gyrfalcon which is not a combination likely to be seen in the wild; he is from a breeder. He doesn't talk much but isn't too obnoxious either. All in all, I have to say he is a pretty good office partner. I'll miss him when he goes.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

more pics from our northwest trip (see below for first set)
1. Oregon lighthouse (in background)
2. tide pools
3. camping in Newport, OR
4. windy Cannon Beach
5. Space Needle

Pictures from our northwest trip in October

Ann and I roadtripped through the northwest in October to see family, friends, and the sights. While in Portland we watched Marc East run the Portland Marathon and went to the body worlds exhibit at OMSI with Marc, Amy, and Emily. Thanks to everyone for treating us so well. From Portland we drove south for a day in Eugene then headed for the coast. We managed to camp one night without it raining on us at all. Cannon Beach was beautiful as usual but windy and rainy. We wound our way up the coast and ended up in Seattle where we stayed with Jennifer Koop (Ihle) for two nights. Thanks to Jennifer for the hospitatlity. Lastly, we met up with one of Ann's high school friends who is working on her masters at the University of Montana in Missoula. What a great trip!

1. At the Columbia Gorge Hotel

2. Dale and Marc

3. Marc Gunning for Gunnar

4. Marc, Shirley, and Aidan

5. Lexi and Aidan